Riverside,�CA Altura Credit Union has announced that its Scholarship Foundation is awarding $38,000 in college scholarships this year to seniors graduating from Riverside County high schools.
Of the 38 scholarships for $1,000, 35 are directly from the Altura Scholarship Foundation.� Five of those specifically recognize students in AVID programs.� Plus, 10 additional scholarships will be awarded in August to local graduating seniors planning to attend the University of California, Riverside. In addition, three memorial scholarships were awarded.
"We are proud to assist the higher education efforts of Riverside Countys young people," said Mark Hawkins, CEO of Altura Credit Union and chair of the Altura Credit Union Scholarship Foundation Board. "We started the Altura Foundation 20 years ago and in that time we have helped more than 383 students continue their learning and advance their careers."
"The foresight and generosity of our members has led to the growth of our endowment," Hawkins said. "Today, its at nearly $1 million, guaranteeing that Altura will be able to continue this good work forever."
Scholarship recipients are selected based on their academic record, and an essay detailing their college goals, financial need and extracurricular activities. More than 200 students applied for Altura Scholarships this year.
Altura is very proud of its 56 years of service to Members in the Inland Empire.� Today Altura is open to anyone who lives, works, attends school or worships in Riverside and San Diego counties, as well as selected cities in Orange and San Bernardino counties.� Altura Credit Union, www.alturacu.com, has been recognized with the California Award for Performance Excellence (CAPE), the states equivalent of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.� Today, Altura Credit Union 86,500 members and has $718.14 million in total assets.� For more information on Altura, visit our website, www.alturacu.com, or call 1-888-883-7228.