RALEIGH, NC (June 7, 2013) State Employees Credit Union (SECU) personnel continue to support the March of Dimes
� March for Babies
� campaign, with 58 SECU teams raising over $60,000 during this years event. The overwhelming support from the cooperatives Triangle area team members resulted in a new walker record, with 307 participants joining in the annual 3-mile March held in Durham, NC. Credit Union branches and operations departments held fundraisers to aid lifesaving research and educational programs aimed at helping women across the country have healthy babies. SECU teams from around the State also participated in walks and fundraising events within their communities to add several thousand dollars to the 2013 March of Dimes SECU total!
"This years campaign could not have happened without the support of corporate teams like State Employees Credit Union," said Michael Parkerson, 2013 Triangle area March for Babies Chairperson. "The dedicated fundraising efforts of SECU employees collecting over $60,000 have helped bring our goal of $500,000 that much closer to reality."
Leigh Brady, Executive Vice President of SECUs Organizational Development department comments, "We are so proud of the fundraising efforts, as well as the compassion and dedication SECU staff have for March of Dimes. The Credit Union philosophy of People Helping People shines through in our employees support for this charity, and the donations go a long way in helping to make a difference for mothers, babies, and families everywhere."
- See more at: http://www.cuinsight.com/press-release/secus-march-of-dimes-support-tops-60000#sthash.4BDaFDzr.dpuf