Royal Credit Union Piloting Interactive Game to Learn About Money

August 26, 2019
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Royal Credit Union is piloting a new interactive Monopoly-size board game for students, ages 17 to 22, to learn the importance of money. "Our financial education strategy is to really get active and engage with the students,” said Royal CU Director of Financial Education Jennifer McHugh. “We think it’s much more meaningful and beneficial for them when they're able to do some of that hands-on learning that's fun.”  

The goal of the game is to end up with the most money. Each student rolls the dice to find out how many spaces to move and answer trivia questions testing financial decision making. Some topics addressed are managing your credit report, student loans, and interest rates.  

"We as young adults are at a very formative age. You're going to start building financial habits, you're going to become more financially independent from your parents so getting out there and getting these people thinking about their finances and money and I think its super cool that we're trying to instill those habits early," said Logan Myhre, University of Wisconsin-Stout Senior and Royal CU Intern.  

Royal CU plans to roll the program out sometime in 2020.  

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