Somerville, MA - Each year, CPCU Credit Union participates in the annual statewide book drive spearheaded by the Massachusetts Credit Union League. This year, CPCU collected nearly 100 books to be distributed to local non-profits. The Credit Union League collaborates with the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless to distribute the collected books to local non-profits, low-income daycares, schools and shelters in Somerville and surrounding communities.
CPCU spread the word about their collection via social media, email marketing and through the use of their community partners. CPCU has exceeded their goal for several consecutive years and increased their level of participation based on the previous years collection. The book drive resulted in the League collecting over 12,000 books from over 30 credit unions.
"We are proud to participate in the Annual Book Drive that directly impacts our community. Education and literacy are vital elements in the success of our youth. We are always grateful to our members and employees who always come through for community-focused drives such as this book drive," commented Rui F. Domingos, Chief Executive Officer at CPCU Credit Union.