Sky FCU Supports Local DECA Program

March 4, 2019
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For a number of years, now, Sky FCU has been a supporter (and sponsor) of Montana DECA, a program that gives high school students hands-on experience working in the business world. So when Ben Kuss, Sky's VP of lending and sales, was tasked with creating a youth savings and checking product for the credit union, he asked Bozeman High DECA students to develop and create a student youth account to present at the 2018 Montana State DECA competition. Ashley Walden was one of the students who took the challenge and ran with it …

Ashley researched the credit union philosophy, interviewed credit union leaders to grasp a better understanding of the credit union difference, and took first place at the Montana State DECA conference for her presentation. "I wanted something unique that would get students excited about saving and confident in having a checking account," noted Ben, and Ashley's ideas fit the bill. The credit union rolled out the Start Knowing Young Youth Accounts and almost 200 students aged 14-17 have already signed up. But, things didn't stop there … The folks at Sky FCU loved Ashley’s passion so much, they offered her a one-year internship. During that year, Sky FCU, Ashley, and the local ABC news team developed the short video series "My Two Cents," which focuses on helping young people understand finances. Three episodes of the six-part series have already aired, and the most recent episode is available online. Ashley’s internship has come to an end, but she has been hired to work part-time at Sky as a teller and account representative. Way to go Sky!

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