Maurie C Byrne Chapter Donates Time and Money to Improve Financial Literacy in Children

November 15, 2018

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Grand Forks, ND - The Maurie C Byrne Chapter of Credit Unions recently received a $500.00 grant from the Credit Union Foundation of the Dakotas to further financial literacy in the Grand Forks, North Dakota area. The chapter matched this donation and gave an overall donation of $1,000 to Junior Achievement of Grand Forks.

Junior Achievement is the largest international non-profit education organization that partners business, community, and education individuals to teach economics to young people. The funds donated will be used to purchase kits that contain classroom materials which support the economic lessons. These one-hour lessons are shared by volunteers from the community over the course of five weeks. In addition to donating funds, two volunteers from chapter credit unions will be trained as Junior Achievement volunteers and will present lessons in 2019.

Pictured from left to right are Lacey TerWee (President of the Chapter), Joyce Larson (Junior Achievement Coordinator), and Marney Kresel (Secretary of the Chapter).

Quantifying the Good
$1,000+ Money Donated
10+ Financial Literacy Hours