TFCU Helps Veteran's Family Get Back on Track

October 1, 2018
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El Paso, TX - Lenders at El Paso Area Teachers FCU (TFCU) met a veteran who needed help financing his vehicle. He had some delinquency issues with the credit union in the past, but when the lenders spoke to him and his wife, they got the whole story of the reason they fell behind. When he came back from serving in the military he had severe PTSD and tried to commit suicide. The wife then fell behind due to all the medical bills and it ruined their credit. They got help and were able to get back on their feet, but their credit was still not ideal.  When the credit union took the application their credit scores were 569 for wife and 567 for him, but they got the whole story and looked at the whole picture. The credit union looked at the fact that the loan was collateralized and they would only be financing 85% loan to value and that they had a disposable income of $3100.00 and that even though they had slowly paid the CU, they indeed paid off the full balance and were able to accomplish their financial needs.  

Quantifying the Good
$548K+ Total All Time Reported Impact