Ohio's Credit Unions Raise $33,000 for CMN Hospitals

June 19, 2018
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The nearly 300 credit unions across the state of Ohio partner year after year to raise funds for the six Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals statewide. This has been a long-time philanthropy of the industry. The organizations come together using a variety of fundraising methods, including chocolate bar sales in credit union branches and a silent auction annually.

“It’s unique that credit unions collaborate to focus on one fundraising goal, it really showcases their cooperative spirit,” said Kristi Frederick of Mercy Children’s Hospital in Toledo. “It’s a strong partnership, and one that we’ve come to count on through the years.”

The recent silent auction and raffle raised more than $12,000, including the Miracle Match offered by Co-Op Financial Services. It is held annually in conjunction with the Ohio Credit Union League’s statewide conference in Columbus. Both Credit Unions and vendors donate items for bidding by attendees.

“Our attendees enjoy the wonderful opportunity to support Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals statewide,” said Paul Mercer, President of the Ohio Credit Union League. “It’s a fun way to start the annual conference, and attendees look forward to it each year.”

Likewise, 42 credit unions statewide held a chocolate bar sale earlier this year which raised $21,000 for the hospitals, again including Co-Op’s Miracle Match.

“The dollars the credit unions raise for us are crucial,” said Natalie Gerano of Cincinnati Children’s Hospital. “These funds allow us to stay on top of technology, research and programs that are vital to the treatment of children in our community.”

In 2017, Ohio’s Credit Unions raised a total of $220,798, and is on track to make another strong contribution in 2018.

“The credit unions come back to us year-after-year with donations to fund our hospital programs,” said Nicci Avalon of Akron Children’s Hospital. “Their collaborative effort is refreshing, and it makes a difference to the lives of patients and families in our hospitals.”
The Ohio Credit Union Alliance of Credit Unions for Kids exists to bring credit unions together through the development, support, and implementation of fundraising activities to benefit CMN Hospitals. All funds raised are divided between the statewide Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals.

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