Alaska Credit Union League donates $5,000 to Homer Non-Profits

June 19, 2018
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Photo: The Alaska USA Foundation presents $1,250 to Hospice of Homer and HoWL of Homer. Pictured (from left) Alita Mahan, Homer Branch Manager, Alaska USA Federal Credit Union; Loretta Miller, HoWL Board Member; Jessica Golden, Executive Director, Hospice of Homer; and Shana Mcdcoff, Branch Manger, Credit Union 1. 

Homer, Alaska – The Alaska Credit Union League (ACUL) donated a total of $5,000 to Homer based non-profits Homer Wilderness Leaders (HoWL) and Hospice of Homer. Alaska USA Foundation and Credit Union 1 donated an additional $2,500 apiece, for a total of $5,000 to each of the two non-profits.

HoWL’s mission is to empower young leaders through outdoor experiential education, by providing fun and dynamic adventures in Alaska that foster a sense of responsibility, hard work, and stewardship. Participants in HoWL activities learn survival skills, leadership skills, and participate in local community-service programs. 

Hospice of Homer is a non-profit community outreach volunteer program that provides comfort, dignity, and choice through care, support, and education to the frail and isolated, and to those facing end-of-life issues.

“The City of Homer was exceptionally welcoming to the Alaska Credit Union League, and an outstanding location for the 2018 Annual Meeting,” said Dan McCue, President, Alaska Credit Union League. “HoWL and Hospice of Homer are two organizations that make a real difference in the lives of Homer residents, and the donation to them was our way of thanking the city for hosting us.”

About Alaska Credit Union League

The Alaska Credit Union League is comprised of 12 credit unions throughout the state: Alaska District Engineers Federal Credit Union, Alaska USA Federal Credit Union, ALPS Federal Credit Union, City of Fairbanks Federal Credit Union, Credit Union 1, Denali Federal Credit Union, Matanuska Valley Federal Credit Union, MAC Federal Credit Union, Northern Skies Federal Credit Union, Spirit of Alaska Federal Credit Union, Tongass Federal Credit Union, and True North Federal Credit Union. 

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Quantifying the Good
$5,000+ Money Donated
$268K+ Total All Time Reported Impact