Credit Union Contest Sponsored by NerdWallet Hopes to Engage Gen Y Members

May 6, 2013
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nerd wallet contestNerdWallet is holding a Gen Y Credit Union Contest to encourage credit unions to come up with innovative, far-reaching plans to engage Gen Y. They are offering four cash grants to help credit unions jumpstart new initiatives! Generation Y, typically defined as 18 to 29 year-olds, make up about 25% of the population but only 9% of credit union membership. After graduating into a recession with few job prospects and crushing student debt, this tech-savvy generation needs help from credit unions that can offer lower fees, higher savings rates and better financial literacy programs.   All credit unions are eligible for the top overall prize of $2,000 and the runner-up prize of $1,000, regardless of size. Only smaller credit unions are eligible for the remaining two prizes of $1,000 each. Its easy to enter this contest!� First, write a "commencement" speech to Gen Y:� Give them advice about financial literacy and tips to better navigate the real world. Publish this on your website wherever you think its mostly likely to reach Gen Y youthyour blog, your news page, your student checking page, your homepage, etc. Second, fill out the NerdWallet simple submission form, and let them know your plan for connecting with Gen Y! Finally, at the bottom of your "commencement speech," add in this sentence with a link back to the contest page: "This speech was written as part of our submission to NerdWallet's Gen Y Credit Union Contest." If you have social media, use it! #GenYCreditUnion. For more information including submission form, click here. The contest will be open from May 1 to June 30. Questions?� Email    
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