Jamestown, ND - First Community Credit Unions Board of Directors has once again awarded scholarships to first year college students from its membership. Over the past 17 years, FCCU has given out more than $100,000 in scholarships. Ten $1000 scholarships are given out each year to members that demonstrate outstanding academic and extra curricular involvement.
The credit union was honored to provide the following North Dakota students with scholarships toward their college academia: Dre Steinwehr of Hankinson, Philip Manley of Jamestown, Kelsey Weigel and Jessica Long of Kintyre, Morgan Weber, Rachel Sakry and Megan Prante all of Milnor, Alexandra Ptacek of Oakes, Destiny Winkler of Valley City, and Amy Bechtle of Wishek.
The Board of Directors recognizes the importance of your people getting a good education and wants to encourage young people to do their best. FCCU continues to do its part in providing incentives to help students reach their full potential. FCCU would like to extend their congratulations to the winners of the 2013 First Community Credit Union Scholarship Program.