America's Christian CU is Recognized for Philanthropy

February 6, 2018

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America’s Christian Credit Union (ACCU) was recognized by the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU) with the 2018 Philanthropy Award at the 2018 CCCU International Forum in Grapevine, Texas. With members of his family, Board and staff on hand to celebrate the momentous occasion, ACCU President/CEO Mendell L. Thompson accepted the award on behalf of the credit union.

The CCCU Philanthropy Award is presented to individuals and organizations who have made generous contributions to the work of the CCCU and its membership. Previous recipients include Bill and Judy Pollard, the Green family (Hobby Lobby), the John Templeton Foundation and Roberta Green Ahmanson. Since its inception in 1999, only eleven individuals/organizations have been recognized with this prestigious honor.

ACCU President Dr. Shirley V. Hoogstra was effusive in her praise of ACCU. “America’s Christian Credit Union is an amazing organization. Not only are they successful in business, but they love people – which is a driver in their success. And they are committed to the work of Christian higher education. They know firsthand the impact that the CCU institutions have in the community and they are helping us tell the story. They give not just of their finances; but of their very best selves to this work,” said Hoogstra.The selection of ACCU as this year’s award recipient can be traced to a recent “mustard seed” grant of $100,000 from the credit union, designated for research on the economic impact of Christian higher education. The study revealed that the work or Christ-centered institutions has an economic impact worth $60 billion annually, which translates to $166 million per day.

As ACCU President/CEO Thompson accepted the award, he remarked, “We stand in awe of what God has done for us. We thank you for this award; it means a lot. I applaud our Board and our entire team for their amazing spirit of giving. It comes out of our mission to ‘Reach, Serve, and Teach.’ As a person who likes to see investments grow, I can’t think of a better outcome for our investment than this. We want Christian higher education to thrive because that’s what our world needs – the voice of hope, and faith, and God’s love.”

About America’s Christian Credit Union

America's Christian CU provides a broad range of financial solutions to individuals and ministries that empower them to reach their stewardship goals while expanding God's Kingdom. Founded in 1958 and currently managing nearly $500 million in assets, ACCU serves the financial needs of its individual, family, ministry and business members. Funds entrusted to the credit union are reinvested in Kingdom purposes, supporting the Church worldwide.  For additional information, visit

Quantifying the Good
$191K+ Total All Time Reported Impact