Triangle CU Assists Front Door Agency in Helping Local Families

January 10, 2018
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Triangle Credit Union's team recently helped Greater Nashua's Front Door Agency distribute hundreds of gifts to local families in crisis.

"The Front Door Agency offers tremendous support to families in transition-from housing to job placement. At Christmas, the Agency provides gifts to over 750 children within our community," reported John Ziemba, Triangle's SVP of Commercial Lending and Front Door Agency Board Member. 

Triangle Credit Union CEO/President, Maurice Simard, added, "The Front Door Agency has a very close connection with families in need in our area and we are honored to help in any way we can."

For more information on these organizations, please visit, and  Monetary donations for The Front Door Agency can be made online through their website.


Quantifying the Good
$750+ Non-Monetary Donation Value
$750+ Total All Time Reported Impact