Members First CU Pledges $15,000 to America's Credit Union Museum Legacy Campaign

December 29, 2017

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Members First Credit Union (Members First) has pledged $15,000 to America's Credit Union Museum in Manchester, NH. The funding will support the Museum's Legacy Fund, a three-year capital campaign with a goal of raising $3.3 million to create a new industry research center, expand exhibit space and provide renovations to the existing building.

"We are proud to call America's Credit Union Museum our Manchester neighbor, and honored to support the museum in its efforts to preserve credit union history and to educate people on its significance," said Bruce Leighton, President/CEO of Members First. "Credit unions have always been active and engaged members of our communities, and the museum serves as a reminder of that legacy."

America's Credit Union Museum is located in the same Manchester, NH building where the first credit union in the United States was established in 1908. Monsignor Pierre Hevey and Joseph Boivin established St. Mary's Cooperative Credit Association to serve French-Canadian textile mill workers.

Members First was founded in 1949 by Manchester, NH firefighter John Walsh to provide financial services to his fellow firefighters. Membership has since expanded to include individuals who live and work within 25 miles of a branch location, but Members First is proud of its history and role in the local - and national - credit union movement.

"I would like to thank Members First for its commitment to America's Credit Union Museum," said Stephanie Smith, executive director. "Members First is a leader in supporting the mission and values of credit unions. We are grateful for its partnership in helping us tell the story of the history, heritage and values of credit unions, and the difference they make in the financial marketplace."

America's Credit Union Museum was established in 2002 and visually tells the stories of the individuals instrumental in establishing credit unions in the U.S.; credit unions' subsequent growth throughout the country, and their continued role in providing millions of Americans with a more secure financial future. Renovating the physical and electronic industry research center will make credit union history more accessible, while the additional exhibit space and upgraded conference facilities will enable credit union professionals, legislators and citizens to experience firsthand the unique role credit unions play in the marketplace.

Museum exhibits bring to life the stories behind credit unions' unique values and philosophy while connecting the movement's past with its present and future. The Museum also hosts credit union events and strategic planning retreats where credit union leaders focus on the future while being surrounded by the roots of the movement.

Quantifying the Good
$15K+ Money Donated
$23K+ Total All Time Reported Impact