IC Federal Credit Union Awards Scholarships

June 26, 2017
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Fitchburg, MA – June 22, 2017 - IC Federal Credit Union proudly announces their 2017 Senior Scholarship Program Award Recipients. Five senior graduates were presented $1,000 each for achieving nearly perfect scores from the IC Scholarship Committee, weighted by GPA, extracurricular activities, and response to this essay question: In about 250 words, how would you help the community in which you live, what type of program would you endorse or create, and how would you spread the message throughout the community to promote this program. “It is always very difficult to choose our final recipients, as we believe every entry is deserving of assistance,” said Tony Emerson, President & CEO, “but the final chosen five, had nearly perfect scores. We wish these and every applicant the best of luck in their future endeavors.”

Madison Duffey of Leominster recently graduated from Leominster High School, and will be attending Fisher College of Boston this fall with a major in Hospitality Management & Event Planning. Madie plans to volunteer throughout the Boston area as much as possible, including the local soup kitchen and at park clean up events. Madie achieved a 3.74 GPA while at Leominster High School.

Fay Whittall of Westminster recently graduated from Oakmont Regional High School and will be continuing her education at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, majoring in Chemical Engineering. “I hope to continue volunteering with children to help them grow intellectually and creatively,” said Fay.She achieved a 4.18 GPA while at Oakmont.

Evan Weinreb of Westminster recently graduated from Oakmont Regional High School and plans to pursue his education at the University of Massachusetts Amherst in the fall. Evan stated, “I will be in the Commonwealth honors college at UMASS Amherst as well, majoring in Chemical Engineering. In the future, I hope to continue volunteering while away at college. As an Eagle Scout adult volunteer, and Assistant Scoutmaster in my local Boy Scout Troop 33 in Westminster, I will continue to volunteer and help mentor incoming scouts.” Evan achieved a 3.90 GPA while at Oakmont.

Katie Blake of Westminster recently graduated from Oakmont Regional High School and will be continuing her education at UMASS Amherst in the fall as a nursing major. Ms. Blake said, “In the future I want to continue to be involved in activities such as joining a sorority in college and volunteering in my local college community, as well as assisting in art, environmental, and Spanish based activities such as earth day clean up, arts and crafts, and helping Spanish speakers.” Katie achieved a 4.18 GPA  at Oakmont. 

Alyssa Blake of Westminster recently graduated from Oakmont Regional High School and will be attending The University of Massachusetts Amherst in the fall with a major in nursing. “I hope to continue volunteering to help out the community artistically as I have in National Art Honor Society and in Art Club as well as volunteer to help out the less fortunate as I have in National Honor Society,” said Ms. Blake. Alyssa achieved a 4.23 GPA while at Oakmont. 

The awards were presented by Mary Scott, Chairperson of the Board of Directors and Tony Emerson, President & CEO. Photo: (l to r) Mary Scott, Chairperson of the Board, Katie Blake of Westminster, Madison Duffey of Leominster, Evan Weinreb of Westminster, Alyssa Blake of Westminster, Fay Whittall of Westminster, and Tony Emerson, President & CEO of IC Federal Credit Union.


Quantifying the Good
$5,000+ Scholarship Totals
$245K+ Total All Time Reported Impact