Naveo Credit Union Collects 350 Books for Children in Need

May 22, 2017
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(Somerville, MA) Naveo Credit Union collected nearly 350 books during the month of April as part of their Children’s Book Drive.  Each year, Naveo Credit Union participates in the statewide book drive spearheaded by the Cooperative Credit Union Association. The Association collaborates with the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless to distribute the collected books to local non-profits, low-income daycares, schools and shelters in Somerville, Cambridge and surrounding communities.

Naveo got the word out about their collection via their Facebook page, email blasts and their community partners. Naveo has exceeded their goal for several consecutive years and increased their level of participation based on the previous year’s collection. This year’s book drive resulted in the Association collecting over 9,000 books from 36 credit unions.  

“The Children’s Annual Book Drive is a great initiative that makes sure more kids in our community have books to read. Reading is an important element of a child’s development and I’m glad that we once again were able to collect books to help children in our community. Thank you to our members, staff and directors who helped us collect books for such a great cause,” commented Rui F. Domingos, Chief Executive Officer at Naveo Credit Union.

Quantifying the Good
$59K+ Total All Time Reported Impact