United Savings CU Employees Volunteer at Real World Camp 2017

April 26, 2017
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Alicia Parsons and Christy Brink of United Savings Credit Union in Fargo, ND joined 30 other volunteers at the sixth annual Real World Camp in Fargo last Thursday. The volunteers guided 250 fifth graders through a full day of events that taught financial literacy skills. The kids attended six breakout sessions: Wants vs Needs; Checking Accounts; Budgeting; Insurance; Debit & Credit; and Getting a Job. The sessions blended video clips, short lectures, and interactive activities to deliver their message.

A lunch of pizza, carrots, and cookies was served, and of course PRIZES were given away!  There were water bottles, Cherry Berry gift cards, and one lucky winner got unlimited Culver’s Custard for a year!!

The day wrapped up with a short play by The National Theatre for Children titled “Pennies to Paychecks.”  This was a 40 minute production that covered take home pay, wages and deductions, credit and debit cards, and forming a savings habit.  The performers kept the audience engaged with humor and by incorporating suggestions written by kids in the crowd ahead of time in their improvisational skit.

Quantifying the Good
10+ Financial Literacy Hours
12+ Volunteer Hours