Credit Union raises over $7,000 for relay for life

March 13, 2013
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Tropical Financial Credit Union of Miramar, FL� (the largest not-for-profit credit union based in Broward County) and its members, raised more than $7,000 for the recent Relay For Life event in Pembroke Pines.� The money helped organizers surpass their goal of $150,000.

The Pembroke Pines Relay For Life was held March 1- 2 on the track at Walter C. Young Middle School.� More than three dozen teams camped out overnight to bring in money for the American Cancer Society. Tropical Financial fielded a team of 27 employees plus their families and friends.� They had at least one person always walking the track during the 18-hour time span as a way to remember friends and family stricken by cancer.� Tropical Financial also sponsored the emotional Luminaria ceremony on Friday night. The ceremony featured candle lighting along the track and a slide show presentation honoring survivors and remembering loved ones who lost their battle with cancer. "Everyone knows somebody whos been affected by cancer," said Tropical Financial co-captain Amy McGraw. "We were glad to do our small part to bring in some much needed dollars to help find a cure. Every little bit helps."
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