2015 ��</span></strong><span style=\"font-family: Calibri;\"> In June and July TopLine teamed up with </span><a href=\"http://www.youthcaremn.org\"><span style=\"font-family: Calibri;\">YouthCARE (Youth for Cultural Appreciation and Racial Equality</span></a><span style=\"font-family: Calibri;\">) of Minneapolis and St. Paul to provide financial literacy workshops for students who participate in their </span><span style=\"font-family: Calibri;\">Community Service Stars Employment Training and Young Women��s Mentorship programs.</span></p><p style=\"text-indent: 0.5in; line-height: 150%;\"><span style=\"font-family: Calibri;\">Nearly forty teenagers
July 23, 2015
TopLine Federal Credit Union
TopLine is dedicated to building life-long relationships to help members reach and manage personal financial goals.
Vicki Roscoe Erickson
Vice President