Cyprus Credit Union Braves Bad Weather to Fight MS
May 1, 2014
Cyprus Credit Union employees braved the rain on Saturday, April 26th to support the Utah Chapter of the National MS Society. More than 30 credit union employees, family members and friends braved the rain and walked to fight multiple sclerosis. Cyprus Credit Union raised more than $3,000 for the MS Society.
This was the credit union's fourth year participating in the walk. Thanks to the generosity of credit union members, Cyprus has given over $30,000 since 2010.
About Cyprus Credit Union
Cyprus Credit Union is the oldest active credit union in our state and started� with assets totaling less than $100.00.� Cyprus has grown from a single� branch in Magna to more than 17 locations along the Wasatch� front.� Throughout the years the credit union has maintained a spirit of� service in our community. It is in this same spirit that Cyprus will continue� to serve and give to local communities for many years to come.