we decided to adopt one very simple idea to help build loyalty with our members

January 25, 2014

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��Qualstar has always been a great credit union, which is why I have stayed with them for all of these years. But paying your member a bonus due to the amazing success of the credit union is unheard of, and quite honestly, I��m amazed. I will continue to be a loyal member and spread the word of this great institution! Thanks!��

That��s how member Christi V. reacted in January 2013 to Qualstar Credit Union��s ��Year of Thanks�� �� a year in which the Puget Sound-area credit union returned more than $4.4 million to its members through a unique combination of dividends, bonuses, rewards, scholarships and more.

Wait until she opens her mailbox this week.

For the second consecutive year, Qualstar is thanking its members for a successful year of strong growth and increased income with Loyalty Bonuses that will total $2.2 million. Individual bonuses will range from $10 to several thousand dollars

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