Credit Union Raises Money for Big Brothers Big Sisters
October 15, 2012

Capital Credit Union�employees recently organized a parking lot rummage sale at their Main Office to benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bismarck-Mandan.�The Credit Union rented spaces to 23 members, who filled them with everything from furniture to apple pies.� They also sold coffee, water and donuts to raise money.� The day was perfect and the lot was full of merchandise and shoppers!
Capital Credit Union also invited the Bismarck High School Science Olympiad team to use the lot to sell hamburgers, hot dogs, chips, pop and various other food items during the sale to raise money for their team.
In the end, Capital Credit Union presented a check to Big Brothers Big Sisters for over $550 and the BHS Science Olympiad team made over $900.� The event is being planned again for next year.
Photo left:� Capital Credit Union's parking lot is full of shoppers and merchandise; photo right:��Michelle Mielke, Capital Credit Union Marketing Coordinator, presents the check to Faye Miller, Executive Director of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Bismarck-Mandan.