Dakota Credit Unions Find Fun and Creative Ways to Support CMN

September 19, 2012
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Date Posted:�September 19, 2012

What could a small credit union with a staff of four do to make a contribution to Miracle Jeans Day?�As it turns out, more than you might think!�Med Park Credit Union of Grand Forks, ND wanted to do more than make the basic $5 donation per employee for this fundraiser.�And so, they decided to have a rummage sale to help raise money to donate to the Childrens Miracle Network Hospital.�According to Cheryl Malm, CEO, they started the sale with items that employees of Med Park brought from home to sell.�They started on Monday morning and ran the sale for the whole week.�By Friday, the credit union had raised over $370!

Highmark Federal Credit Union of Rapid City also had a unique fundraiser.�The credit union decided to have a raffle for the employees with the prize being one half day of paid time off.�They raised $150 from the raffle alone!�(Karen Pope, a teller at Highmark was the winner.)

And Avanti Federal Credit Union of Watertown, SD got downright creative with their fundraiser:�Staff members decorated jeans and then the credit union had members vote for their favorite pair of jeans by dropping their coin or bills into a jar for each one.�The credit union also sold candy at the drive thru and in their lobby for a $1.00 donation.�Judy Wolff, Manager of Avanti FCU says they are "continuing fundraising efforts through the end of September and hope to do more for Childrens Miracle Network in the future!"

Photo below:�Avanti MSRs Jenna Kannas, left, and Hannah Steward, right, creators of the special jeans for the CMN fundraiser.�A sidenote:�the jeans on the far right were created in honor of Tika, a 17 year old tiger that recently passed away at the Bramble Park Zoo.� Photo below right:� Avanti's Candy Jar.

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