Credit Union donates $1,500 to Brigids Crossing

February 13, 2013
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Jeanne DArc Credit Union of Lowell, Massachusetts is pleased to announce that the winner of the latest "Give a Click" campaign located on their website is Brigids Crossing of Lowell. �The organization serves young mothers primarily between the ages of 16 and 21 who come from a variety of cultural backgrounds. Brigids Crossing operates a shelter in Lowell that houses up to eight young mothers and their children. Jeanne DArc Credit Union understands the value of community and working together.� On the website, community members can read about three worthy nonprofit organizations and then vote for the one they would most like to see the credit union support.� The charity with the most votes then receives a $1,500 donation from the Credit Union.� Different charities are posted every quarter, so we encourage people to keep returning to to help their favorites gain a much-needed donation. "We consider social responsibility to be an integral part of our overall mission," said Mark S. Cochran, President and Chief Executive Officer of Jeanne DArc Credit Union. "The Give a Click campaign allows us to help people in our region become more involved with their communities and with each other. We are pleased to help Brigids Crossing continue its important work."
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