Credit Union Association of the Dakotas Raises More Thank $4,000 for Scholarships

June 21, 2016
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silent auction 2At this year"s Credit Union Association of the Dakotas�Summit in Bismarck, ND, the GAC Fund Raiser was once again the ever popular Irish Auction.� For those of you who haven"t had the fun experience, the Irish Auction allows attendees to purchase tickets ($20 for 25 tickets) which can then be used to "bid" on a desired prize.� This year"s event, as usual, had some wonderful donated prized from fun weekend get-away packages to sporting equipment, wine baskets to works of art,� and home electronics.� This year, the GAC Auction generated $4,120!� !� These funds will be used to provide scholarships to members from North and South Dakota who attend the CUNA GAC Conference and other meetings, such as "Hike the Hill" events.�
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