CALHOUN, TN� Bowater Employees Credit Union member Joey Langford, and Bowater CU Member Brian Tallent have each won $1,000 from Bowater Credit Union to their favorite non-profits: Meigs County High School Spanish Club and Havenplace Community Youth Center, respectively.
Bowater CU has asked its members to nominate their favorite non-profit helping people in the counties eligible for credit union membership: Bradley, McMinn, Meigs, Monroe, and Polk.� These are the fourth and fifth winners of 2015.
The Spanish Club of Meigs County High School instills in its members a sense of community of service to that community. "A part of their foundation is that if we teach this generation well and we give them opportunities to look beyond themselves, we can truly make a difference in the place where we live and in the world at large," wrote Langford.� At the end of this year, the club will be making a trip to Costa Rica to experience the culture and language, and to learn about sustainability.
As Mr. Langford wrote, "These are deserving kids with a wonderful, once in a lifetime opportunity available."� If you would like to make a contribution to the Spanish Club to support this endeavor, call Meigs County High School at 423-334-5797.
Havenplace Community Youth is also an organization offering opportunities for community youth.� "Started in 1999," nominator and Haveplace Director Brian Tallent wrote, "the organization has provided a safe place for ages 13 to 29 to come together and play games such as pool, ping pong, boards games, and card games."
They also provide snacks free of charge, and an art studio.� "The goal is to provide opportunities for the youth to find pathways to move outside of their current circumstance and into a more positive and productive lifestyle."
Havenplace is run entirely from donations and by volunteers.� If you'd like to volunteer your time or make a donation, stop by and visit with Brian Tallent at Havenplace, at 174 1st Street NE in Cleveland.
The Pay It Forward program has been renewed for 2016, and that means any member of Bowater Credit Union can nominate their favorite non-profit for a $1,000 Pay It Forward prize.� Five prizes will be given out in 2016, and the deadline to be considered for the first prize is February 28th.
Bowater Credit Union began the Pay It Forward program in 2010 as a way to give back to the community it serves.� Since the programs inception, BECU has given $28,000 to various charities making a difference in our community.� For more information, visit
www.bowaterecu.org and look under the "News & Info" tab.
Bowater Employees Credit Union is a federally insured credit union offering savings, checking, loans, and financial education to those who live, work, or go to school in the counties of Bradley, McMinn, Meigs, Monroe, and Polk.� They have five branches, over 17,000 members, and $145 million in assets.� To learn more about
Bowater Employees Credit Union and its services, call 423-336-7268 or visit