LEAGUE CITY, Texas - On Monday, January 21, the lives of AMOCO Federal Credit Union employees were forever changed. The employee training day started off with green eggs and ham to go with the theme of Dr. Seuss, and AMOCO made it their own with "Oh, The Places Youll Go With AMOCO!"
For the first time, all AMOCO employees had a chance to experience Rachels Challenge, a program that 10,000 students, teachers and parents from local schools in Galveston County have taken part in. The educational program has gained national notoriety as well as praise from educators, parents, students and businesses on the strength of its message: kindness, compassion and starting positive chain reactions. The program is devoted to prevent violence and bullying by engaging youth and adults to spread acts of kindness and compassion.
Presented by Darrell Scott, Rachel Scotts father, the afternoon started off with the story of Rachel who was the first student killed at Columbine High School in 1999. Rachels story has been presented to more than 18 million people all over the world and has transformed businesses, schools and communities with a simple but profound message of kindness and compassion. The presentation topics include personal development, diversity, team building, customer support and community outreach. The business side of the presentation is focused on transforming workplace culture and climate. Darrell Scott, founder of Rachels Challenge, touched the hearts of AMOCO employees by sharing the story of his 17 year old daughter whose small acts of kindness and compassion changed the lives of those she touched forever. AMOCO employees experienced in depth training by presenter Mike Walker, the training was customized to the company to start a chain reaction within the organization.