Riverside, Calif.� In response to the horrific mass shooting in San Bernardino on Dec. 2, Altura Credit Union has established a relief fund for the families of the 14 individuals killed. All donations to the IE United Relief Fund will directly benefit those families.
"The Inland Empire is our home," said Jennifer Binkley, Alturas chief operating officer. "Although everyone around the country has felt the impact of this terrible event, it hit especially close for all of us who live and work in the Inland Empire. We feel it was very important to help in some tangible way. These families are now facing unexpected financial burdens and this is one small way we can assist. We are rallying the community to help us show these families that we care."
Donations to the fund can be made online through Alturas website, AlturaCU.com/united, at any hour of the day or night. Alturas 14 Riverside County branches are also accepting in-person donations during regular business hours. (Branch locations are listed on Alturas website, AlturaCU.com.)
Altura Members also may make a donation by calling theMember Services Center to transfer funds from an Altura account to the relief fund.�"Altura will match total community and Member donations up to $10,000," Binkley added. "We also are reaching out to other businesses and organizations to provide matching donations as well."
For more information, or to make a donation, visit Alturacu.com/united. Donations will be accepted through Jan. 8, 2016.
Altura Credit Union is very proud of its 58 years of service to Members in the Inland Empire.� Altura Credit Union now serves 118,000 Members, has nearly $1.15 billion in total assets and operates 14 branch offices in Riverside County.� Membership is open to anyone who lives, works, worships or attends school in Riverside and San Diego counties; selected cities in San Bernardino and Orange counties; as well as U.S. Military, U.S. Government and Civilian employees working at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County; and retirees of the United States Armed Forces. �Altura is a past-recipient of the California Award for Performance Excellence (CAPE), the states equivalent of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.�� For more information on Altura, visit www.alturacu.com, or call 1-888-883-