Gulf Coast Educators FCU Employees to Grow Mustaches for Schools
Last year, many Gulf Coast Educators Federal Credit Union employees grew a mustache to try to win a local area school a cash donation of $1000.� This year the top prize is $1500 along with $1000 for second and $500 for third place. Many of those employees from last year have signed on to participate again this year. In order to allow more schools to be represented this year, the credit union is inviting employees of schools within�their field of membership to participate.
Participants will start clean shaven on February 1st and grow a mustache for the next 28 days. The credit union will share progress photos and reports on and�on their�facebook page. On February �28th, the credit union will collect the final photos and create a page on this site with all of the participants. The public can then vote for the stache of their choice. Voting will take place until 5 PM on Friday, March 15th and the stache with the most votes will win the top donation for the chosen school.
Photo:� Last years winners were Kyle Ford for San Jacinto Elementary, Michael Barry for the La Porte ISD Education Foundation and Kyle Rogers for Pasadena Memorial High School.