Credit Union Sponsoring Rachels Challenge for Galveston County School

January 18, 2013
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amocoAMOCO Federal Credit Union of Texas City, TX is proud to sponsor Rachels Challenge for Galveston County Schools. ��Students, teachers and parents from local schools have taken part in Rachels Challenge over the past two years. The educational program has gained national notoriety as well as praise from educators and parents alike on the strength of its message: kindness, compassion and starting positive chain reactions. The program is devoted to prevent violence and bullying by engaging youth and adults to spread acts of kindness and compassion. Rachels Story and Rachels Impact are the two middle-school programs. �Rachels Story introduces younger middle school students to Rachel Scott and her challenge to deliberately reach out to others with kindness. The Columbine tragedy is introduced at an intensity level appropriate for 5th and 6th graders.� Both the Rachels Story and Rachels Impact program show the profound positive impact students can have on those around them by simply paying attention to the little things they do and say every day. Rachels Impact is the middle school version of the inspiring story of Rachel Scott whose example of kindness and acceptance was brought to light when she became the first victim in the Columbine High School tragedy. Conveyed through stories from Rachels life and writings, Rachels Impact shows the positive impact on those around us. Rachels Impact demonstrates to the listener the power of deliberately reaching out in word and action to others to start what Rachel called a "chain reaction of kindness and compassion".
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