Voyage FCU Raises $200 for Local Humane Society

September 28, 2015
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  Voyage humane society donationSioux Falls, SD - Voyage Federal Credit Union joined forces with Sioux Falls Area Humane Society for a second year in a row to raise money and awareness for the resident critters. Over the past couple years, Voyage FCU brought their hashtag wall delightfully named, "Lets Find A Way" out to events and onsite visits. The retractable banner was used as a backdrop to take pictures in front of with dogs, cats, kiddos or whatever. For every picture taken, shared and commented on through Facebook, Voyage FCU donated $1 to the local shelter. This year the event raised $200! To check out the adorable pictures go to Voyages Facebook page at Voyage FCU is a Federal Credit Union that serves anyone that lives, works, worships or attends school in Minnehaha or Lincoln Counties and has been around for over 75 years.  
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