Riverside, Calif.� Members and employees of Altura Credit Union recently filled a van with donated school supplies for local children. About $900 worth of backpacks and supplies were gathered through collection stations in each of Alturas local branches and the corporate office in Riverside.The "Fill A Backpack" program, administered by the County Department of Mental Healths Parent Support and Training Program, has been collecting school supplies for local needy kids for 17 years. Through thesedonated supplies, the county helps prepare kids for a successful school year. Altura collected donations over a two-week period. "Our employees and Members really embrace this program," said Tina Covington, vice president, Sales and Business Development, AlturaCredit Union. "Its such a great feeling knowing that you are providing kids with the supplies they need to get the most out of their school experience."Photo Caption:Tina Covington, Altura Credit Union vice president of Sales and Business Development, and Kirstopher Solorzano, a member services representative, prepare to hand off donated school supplies to Luz Nefron Bermo from the Riverside County Department of Mental Health, which sponsors the annual "Fill A Backpack" drive. About $900 worth of supplies, enough to fill a van, were donated by Altura members and employees.Altura Credit Union is very proud of its 58 years of service to Members in the Inland Empire.� Altura Credit Union now serves 118,000 Members, has nearly $1.15 billion in total assets and operates 14 branch offices in Riverside County.� Membership is open to anyone who lives, works, worships or attends school in Riverside and San Diego counties; selected cities in San Bernardino and Orange counties; as well as U.S. Military, U.S. Government and Civilian employees working at March Air Reserve Base in Riverside County; and retirees of the United States Armed Forces. �Altura is a past-recipient of the California Award for Performance Excellence (CAPE), the states equivalent of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.�� For more information on Altura, visit www.alturacu.com, or call 1-888-883-7228.�