St. Anne's Credit Union Helps Prevent Identity Theft
July 29, 2015
FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS, - On Monday, July 27th, St. Annes Credit Union held a free Identity Theft Seminar that was open to everyone in the community.� The class was presented by the Credit Unions Information Security Officer, Andrew Olejarz, and one of St. Annes Mortgage Originators, Timothy Souza.� Topics that the seminar covered included how to protect your financial identity, how to recognize when identity theft has occurred, and how to respond when you believe your financial identity has been compromised.� The Credit Union provided attendees with food and refreshments and also held a raffle for a $25 gift card to AMC Movie Theaters that everyone who attended the seminar was entered into.� Understanding how to protect yourself and your accounts from identity theft can often be confusing, St. Annes was happy to help people learn how to defend themselves against identity theft.
Make sure to keep an eye out for the upcoming classes in the St. Annes Credit Union Financial Literacy Series!
Shown in the picture is St. Annes Credit Unions Information Security Officer Andrew Olejarz, speaking at the Identity Theft Seminar.