Hanscom FCU Honors Commander Killed in Afghanistan with Memorial
Hanscom AFB, MA �- Several hundred people gathered in Natick, MA �recently to dedicate a street to US Army Major General Harold J Greene. Newly renamed General Greene Avenue, formerly Kansas Street, leads to the Natick Soldiers Systems Center (NSSC), a US Army installation once commanded by Gen. Greene.
Immediately following the dedication, Hanscom FCU unveiled a memorial near the entrance to NSCC. "I am honored to count myself among those who knew General Greene," said Hanscom FCU Chairman of the Board Paul Marotta. "With this memorial, we hope to preserve the memory of this great soldier and leader."
The memorial is a traditional battlefield cross set in front of a landscaped rock retaining wall, flanked by stone benches donated by the Natick Veterans Relief Fund.� The base of the cross is inscribed with Gen. Greenes name, years of birth and death, his title and years served at NSSC, and the description "A Soldiers Soldier Who Truly Served His Nation With Honor."
Hanscom FCU has served NSCC employees since 1998 at a branch located inside the installation.
Photo Caption: Hanscom FCU Director John Delcore; Chairman of the Board Paul Marotta; Dr. Susan G. Myers, Ph.D., Gen. Greene's wife; and Hanscom FCU President/CEO David Sprague at the memorial dedication ceremony.