Gardner, MA - GFA Federal Credit Union and the Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce Education Committee have partnered to provide financial education to ConVal High School students. Throughout the school year, juniors learned financial literacy skills throughout the year with specialized curriculum focusing their desired career path post-graduation. The in classroom education was organized by Mary Lou ONeil, School to Work Coordinator of ConVal Regional High School.
On Thursday, May 14
th, students applied their in classroom studies in a real-life setting meeting with auto salespeople, housing agents, utilities representatives, retail and service businesses and spin the wheel of reality at a financial education fair. In partnership with the Greater Peterborough Education Committee more 15 area business leaders and 100 students participated.
Based on a career selection, a select budget was provided for each student. They had to navigate through the purchase and needs of each booth and ensure they managed the budget without being in the negative. "We are most pleased to have the community participation to provide this vital education to our students," said Mary Lou ONeil, School to Work Coordinator at ConVal Regional High School. "We appreciate the community partnerships, starting with GFA and also with the more than 15 Peterborough area businesses partnering to make the reality fair happen," she added.
"Developing strong financial management skills early is critical for future generations," commented Tina M. Sbrega GFA President & CEO, "We appreciate the joint collaboration to provide this education in the Peterborough community." she added.
The Education Committee is comprised of Karen Peterson, Education Committee Chair and Monadnock Developmental Services; Chet Bowles, retired educator; Christina Meinke, Greater Peterborough Chamber of Commerce; Emily Stoehr, Monadnock Community Hospital; Paul Faber, Lake Sunapee Bank; Erika Alusic-Bingham, Southern New Hampshire Services, Inc.; Mary Lou O'Neil, ConVal Regional High School; Pam Lorimer, Jack Daniels Motor Inn, and Nicole Vassallo of GFA Federal Credit Union.
GFA Federal Credit Union is a full service community financial institution serving Central Massachusetts and Southern New Hampshire. Branch locations are in Ashburnham, Gardner, Hubbardston, Leominster, Peterborough, Rindge, Rutland and Winchendon. Visit gfafcu.com for more information.