In response to the aftermath of the massive earthquake in Nepal, Christian Community Credit Union is partnering with American Baptist International Ministries (IM) to offer a $15,000 matching fund for Nepal earthquake relief through One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS), a Christian effort to provide food, water, shelter, and medical attention in times of disaster.
"The needs are enormous," stated Lisa Rothenberger, American Baptist Churches USAs World Relief Officer. "This generous response enables us to walk alongside the Nepali people today and into the future. Long after the immediate needs are met, our partners will still be working to rebuild, and this is where our gifts make the most difference."
"Our hearts and prayers go out to the earthquake victims and their families," said John Walling, Christian Community Credit Union President/CEO. "Were thankful for the opportunity to partner with IM and OGHS in their disaster relief efforts to bring help and hope to the people of Nepal."
To take advantage of Christian Community Credit Unions matching program towards Nepal earthquake relief,
please click here to donate online and mention "CCCU." To donate by mail, please make checks payable to International Ministries and write on the memo, "OGHSNepal Earthquake ReliefCCCU." Mail checks to International Ministries, P.O. Box 851, Valley Forge, PA 19482.
With assets over $590 million, Christian Community Credit Union serves over 29,000 members nationwide and has served as a financial partner of Christian ministries, churches, and their members for over 58 years.
American Baptist International Ministries is a Christian mission organization connecting U.S. churches and individuals to holistic missions around the world. "One Great Hour of Sharing" is administered by American Baptist Churches USAs World Relief Committee, which facilitates emergency relief, disaster rehabilitation, refugee work, and development assistance.
For more information, please call 800.347.CCCU (2228) or visit myCCCU.com.