Riverside, Calif.� Volunteers from Altura Credit Union recently teamed up with Habitat for Humanity Riverside to assist a local homeowner during "A Brush with Kindness" paint day.
Four Altura employees spent a recent Saturday with volunteers from the Riverside Habitat for Humanity, students from Cal Baptist University and two Habitat partner families to assist an elderly homeowner who could no longer keep up with her homes maintenance.
Using colors chosen by the homeowner, the volunteers painted the home exterior a light peach with green trim. Alturas team painted the porch and performed quality control on the entire mobile home to ensure the job was complete and looked professional.
Altura encourages and supports its employees who volunteer in the local community.
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Four Altura Credit Union volunteers, from� left, Jamie Ledford, Crystal Stevens, Marshal Stevens and David Fisher, partnered with Habitat for Humanity in Riverside recently. The team was among volunteers who painted the exterior of a home for an elderly Riverside resident was having trouble keeping up with its maintenance.
Altura Credit Union is very proud of its 58 years of service to Members in the Inland Empire.� Altura is a past-recipient of the California Award for Performance Excellence (CAPE), the states equivalent of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.� Today, Altura Credit Union has nearly 84,000 Members and more than $799 million intotal assets.� For more information on Altura, visit our website, www.alturacu.com, or call 1-888-883-7228.