Credit Union Association of the Dakotas Makes One Family's Christmas Jolly

January 4, 2013
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CUAD christmas donation CUAD Makes One Familys Christmas Jolly The Credit Union Association of the Dakotas may have a small staff of 9 employees, but�they were still able to make a big difference this Christmas for one local Bismarck, ND�family in need. The Association�asked Burleigh County Social Services to connect�them to one family that�could use some�help this year.� While�little is�known about the background of the family,�the Associaiton was told�that they have four children and two adults that needed help. CUAD Staff generously took on the challenge of providing new clothing, shoes, bedding, food, family board games, and many personal care items for this family of 6.� According to their case worker, the family was "overwhelmed".� Truly, the best part of Christmas is sharing and spreading joy.
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