Naveo Credit Union Collects 500 Books for Children
May 11, 2015
Somerville, MA -�Naveo Credit Union collected over 500 books during the month of April as part of their Childrens Book Drive, greatly exceeding their goal and setting a new collection record.� Each year, Naveo Credit Union participates in the annual statewide book drive spearheaded by the Massachusetts division of the Cooperative Credit Union Association. The Association collaborates with the Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless to distribute the collected books to local non-profits, low-income daycares, schools and shelters in Somerville and surrounding communities.
Naveo spread the word about their collection via social media, email marketing and through the use of their community partners. This year, Naveo received a sizeable donation of over 140 books from Girl Scout Brownies Troop 85079 of Malden. �The troop found an opportunity to participate after a Brownie parent saw a Naveo email blast. The girls received a book drive badge for completing a charity project. Naveo also received nearly 100 books from Community Cooks, who collected books from their volunteer cooks.
"We are proud to participate in the annual Childrens Book Drive to benefit local children. It is great to see our community come together to promote childhood literacy through the gift of reading. We are fortunate to have great community partners that are as passionate about reading as we are. We want to extend a special thanks to Community Cooks and Brownies Troop 85079 of Malden for their generosity and helping us in our largest collection yet," commented Rui F. Domingos, Chief Executive Officer at Naveo Credit Union.