FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS, - Once again St. Annes Credit Union participated in National "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day", this year on Thursday, April 23
rd.� The program gives children the opportunity to spend the day with their parents or grandparents and gain a better understanding of what they do at work.� The overall goal of the program is to show children the value of their education and to empower the boys and girls to reach their full potential.� 14 children spent the day at St. Annes this year and they were given tasks to do during the day, such as helping behind the teller line.� All of the children were given lunch and prizes for participating, and each of them created a sand-art piece to take home with them.� The Credit Union supports this initiative every year and it is a day that is eagerly anticipated by the children and adults alike.
Shown in the picture are eleven of the fourteen children that participated in "Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day" with the President and CEO of St. Annes Credit Union, Ross R. Upton.