FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS - This St. Patricks Day members and employees of St. Annes Credit Union did more than just wear green, they dedicated the day to a great cause, the Town of Swansea Animal Shelter.� Together St. Annes employees and members were able to raise over $350 for the Shelter that provides care to on average 175-200 stray and lost animals per year, 85-90% of which are returned to their owners or find new safe and loving homes!� In addition to the donations, St. Annes posted a photo album on Facebook entitled "Erin Go Bark!" with pictures of different adoptable animals at the Swansea Animal Shelter all decked out in their St. Patricks Day best.� Members were able to view the pictures and "like" their favorite and the dog or cat with the most "likes" at the end of the day received a special treat.� The winner of the photo contest ended up being Rocket, an adorable German Shepard mix.� Many Credit Union employees also donated items from the Town of Swansea Animal Shelters wish list, resulting in a car load of cleaning supplies, blankets and treats, among other things, being dropped off at the Shelter.� For more information about the Town of Swansea Animal Shelter please visit their Facebook page at
Shown in the picture are employees of St. Annes Credit Union who donated to the drive. Left to right they are: Kayleigh Holt, Marketing Assistant; Bryanna Duarte, Somerset Branch Teller; Kim Ayres, Financial Department Manager; Mary Botelho & Judy Mazza, Loan Servicing; Kelly Baldwin, Marketing & CRA Officer.