Bismarck, ND - Just as our member credit unions support their community with volunteerism and charitable donations, the Credit Union Association of the Dakotas (CUAD) strives to make a difference in our community as well.� That is why we were the presenting sponsor of the Childrens Miracle Network "Hours of Hope" Radiothon that was held in Bismarck, ND on April 19 & 20 on local radio stations KQ94.5 and Y93.� As presenting sponsors, the Radiothon was touted as "Brought to you by the Credit Unions of North Dakota" and had continuous on-air mentions of credit unions throughout the two day event.
Robbie Thompson, President/CEO of CUAD presented the donation that was combined with a Miracle Match by CO-OP Financial Services during a live radio interview on Thursday morning. �CUAD staff also volunteered to man the phones and take pledge calls.� A grand total of $23,250 was raised, and 100% of the money benefits our local Childrens Miracle Network Hospital, Sanford Childrens Hospital in Fargo, supporting sick and injured kids in our region.