St. Annes Credit Union Bowls for Kids' Sake
March 9, 2015
FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS - New Bedfords Child & Family Services held their annual Bowl for Kids Sake fundraiser on Sunday, March 1st.� St. Annes Credit Union was happy to participate in the event again this year, sending two teams to Wonder Bowl along with over $400 in donations raised by employees.� All of the funds collected at the Bowl for Kids Sake go to the Big Brothers Big Sisters program at CFS, a chapter of the nationwide mentoring program that provides children with friendship and role models.� This is a fun event that St. Annes employees are happy to take part in every year, especially as it is for such a great cause.
Shown in the picture (left to right) are Kayleigh Holt, Marketing Assistant; Belinda Morrissette, IT Applications Specialist; Hayden Boule, Help Desk Technician; Stephen Farias, IT Support Technician; Brian Costa, Network Specialist.