Jackson, MI - American 1 Credit Union is pleased to offer 15 scholarships valued at $1,000 each to high school seniors in Michigan through the annual Community Involvement Scholarship Program. Each student who applies for the scholarship will submit an essay, in 1,500 words or less, on the benefits of altruism and how the student has impacted his or her community through their involvement. Scholarships are funded through American 1s Skip-a-Pay program, where credit union members can choose to skip one months loan payment for $25. That $25 funds the scholarship program. Scholarship applications are available online at www.American1CU.org, under the Events tab, and then selecting Giving Back. The application deadline is Friday, February 20th 2015. Email applications to: scholarship@a1cu.org (.doc, .docx, or .pdf files only) Mail applications to: Community Scholarship Program American 1 Credit Union 718 E. Michigan Ave. Jackson, MI 49201