Voyage Federal Credit Union Donates $500 to Local Humane Society
December 17, 2014
Sioux Falls, SD - On Thursday, December 4th, Voyage FCU presented a check for $500 to the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society.� Back in September, Voyage FCU launched a campaign called "75 Days of Fur" and kicked it off at the "Bark in the Park" walk/run.� Over the 75 days, Voyage FCU had a booth at the Humane Society with a retractable banner referred to as their "hashtag wall" - Lets Find A Way.� Similar to Voyages other causes this year, they encouraged participants to engage in the fundraising by getting their picture taken in front of the hashtag wall. �This time, however, individuals that wanted to help but were camera shy could bring a furry friend instead. �For every photo taken in front of the hashtag wall, story shared on Voyage FCUs website cause page and "Share" on Facebook, Voyage FCU donated $1 to the Humane Society. �The credit union was pleased to present a check for $500 after hundreds of photos, "Shares" on social media and dozens of stories submitted to help out the furry friends at the Sioux Falls Area Humane Society.