Somerville, MA -��Naveo Credit Union collected non-perishables for the sixth consecutive year during the month of November to benefit the Somerville Homeless Coalition (SHC).� Naveo strategically scheduled the collection before Thanksgiving to ensure that the food pantry had plenty of items on-hand to prepare Thanksgiving bags for those who go to the shelter.
During the collection, Naveo employees and members donated various food items, many of which were geared toward Thanksgiving. Naveo also donated over 10 grocery totes filled with high demand items. In total, Naveo donated over 20 grocery totes of food to SHC.
"This is a very special time of the year when people get into the Christmas spirit and host holiday parties. However, we cannot forget those less fortunate who lack basic needs such as food. Im pleased that with the generous contributions of our members we are able to provide food to the SHC food pantry," commented Rui F. Domingos, Chief Executive Officer at Naveo Credit Union.