St. Anne's Credit Union Shows Appreciation for Members
December 10, 2014
FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS, - On Saturday, November 22nd, St. Annes Credit Union held their annual Thanksgiving Member Appreciation Event.� Every year, on the Saturday before Thanksgiving, St. Annes picks one of their branches to host the event and this year it was at the Fairhaven Branch.� Coffee, hot chocolate, bagels and breakfast pastries were available to all of the members who came into the branch that day.� There was also a raffle drawing for two $50 gift cards, one to the Pasta House and the other a Visa gift card, which anyone who stopped by the Fairhaven Branch could enter to win.� St. Annes employees were happy to talk with and thank the many members that visited the branch throughout the day.
Photo:�Maria M., the winner of the Visa gift card in front of the Fairhaven Branchs holiday decorations.