Altura Credit Union Supports Local Football Teams
November 19, 2014
Riverside, Calif. A high school football match-up between cross-town rivals in Moreno Valley in Riverside County moved into the "big leagues" with a monetary award and special name The Altura Bowl championship game on Nov. 7.
Vista del Lago won the Mountain Valley League Championship in a 48-32 victory against cross-town rival Moreno Valley High at the "bowl" game. It is the teams first league championship. The Altura Bowl is named for sponsor Altura Credit Union, which is largest credit union in Riverside County, about 60 miles east of Los Angeles.
Altura awarded $250 to each of the football teams for making it to the championships in a ceremony on the field following the game.
"We were excited to be part of what was a very special game for both schools," said Karena Chum, business development officer forAltura.� "We have a long relationship as a community partner with Moreno Valley Unified School District, and were glad to support the great work they do for students."
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Vista del Lago High School Principal Janellee Woodward, left, and Moreno Valley High School Principle Robert Brough accept their $250 donates from Altura Credit Unions Ashley Torrez, center. Altura donated the funds at conclusion of the inaugural Altura Bowl, a championship game football game between thecross-town rival schools. Vista del Lago won the Mountain Valley League Championship.
Moreno Valley Unified School District is the third-largest school district in Riverside County, educating more than 34,000 students in grades TK-12 at 40 schools.� Our graduation rate exceeds both the state and national averages.
Altura Credit Union is very proud of its 57 years of service to Members in the Inland Empire.� Altura is a past-recipient of the California Award for Performance Excellence (CAPE), the states equivalent of the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award.� Today, Altura Credit Union has 83,000 Members and more than $719 million in total assets.� For more information on Altura, visit our website,, or call 1-888-883-7228.