Truliant Federal Credit Union Has Awarded $160,000 in Grants Over 6 Years

November 19, 2014
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truliantWinston-Salem, NC - In Truliant Federal Credit Unions Mini Grant Programs history, they have already awarded $160,000 to 150 non-profits in their community in the last six years. This year, they have added a twist by opening voting through their Facebook page, allowing anyone to vote for 20 community-based nonprofit organizations that will receive $1,000 in grant funding to support operating, programmatic or capacity-building needs. What makes the approach different this year is the crowd sourcing - picking winners via social media. Open voting via Facebook started last Monday. Truliant FCU selected 45 proposals from a total of 103 nonprofit grant proposals. The projects have a scope covering financial literacy, emergency assistance, self-sufficiency and youth financial programs. Voting ends Nov. 21. �The goal is to help credit union member-owner communities and as you can imagine, find a way to thoughtfully engage membership in three states, stretching from Richmond, to the Triad, Charlotte and to Greenville, S.C., which is in itself a very big task. Thus far the voting has been excellent, well over 300 votes in the first two days alone. Voting takes places through this link:
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