Credit Union Volunteers at Local Food Pantry
September 19, 2014
FALL RIVER, MASSACHUSETTS - �Eight St. Annes employees along with one family member came together on Monday, September 8th to help out at the Sacred Heart Parish food pantry and soup kitchen in Fall River.� Employees first helped to sort and distribute pantry items to all who came through.� Afterwards the soup kitchen opened and St. Annes employees helped to serve over 175 individuals a hot meal in the Parish Hall.� Every second and forth Monday of the month the Sacred Heart food pantry is open from 4pm-5pm, while the soup kitchen is open every Monday between 5pm-6pm to serve supper to all who come.� St. Annes employees currently volunteer their time twice a year at the Sacred Heart Parish pantry and soup kitchen.� Individuals interested in volunteering should contact the Parish for more information.
Employees seen in the picture, left to right, are Nina Despres, Mortgage Assistant; Luisa Rochester, AVP Residential Lending; Nancy Neto, Collections Clerk; Michelle Marcos, VP of Human Resources, and her son Adyn; Jen Luciano, Swansea Branch Senior Teller; Kayleigh Holt, Marketing Assistant.� Also volunteering, but not pictured, were Cassie Miranda, South End Branch Assistant Manager; Elizabeth Carreiro, President Ave. Branch Manager.